My movie viewing this year was largely comprised of sequels and nostalgia. My top five movies of the year (counting only movies I managed to catch in the theater):
1. Wall-E. One of the most impressively produced, written, directed, you-name-it movies I’ve ever seen.
2. The Dark Knight. A fantastic movie, fantastic sequel, and a mind-bogglingly good performance from Heath Ledger. He will be missed.
3. Iron Man. One of the best non-Batman superhero movies ever.
4. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Honestly? Not that great a movie in a lot of ways. But I loved it. I’m a huge Indiana Jones fan, and while I had issues with some portions of the story, I loved the way they wrapped up Indy and Marian’s storylines.
5. The X-Files: I Want to Believe. Again, not the best movie in a lot of ways, but boy, have I missed Mulder and Scully. And the Mulder-and-Scullyness of this movie gave me a warm fuzzy.