I'm lounging here tonight listening to Pretty. Odd., the new album from punctuation innovators Panic at the Disco (sans exclamation point). And I have to say I'm impressed. Their last effort spawned a couple of catchy tunes, my favorite being "I Write Sins Not Tragedies," but failed to keep my attention. This one is an entirely different story. Lots of textures, catchy tunes that don't all sound the same (my biggest complaint about A Fever You Can't Sweat Out), and the Beatlesque comparisons are not undeserved. I knew it was going to be different when I first heard "Nine in the Afternoon," and the rest of the CD does not disappoint. Keep it up, kids--if you're this good now imagine what you'll be able to do when you're all grown up! *pets tiny baby rock stars*
Video for "She's a Handsome Woman."
Okay, so it's muppets. Sue me. It's still fabulous.
Here's a REAL video for "Nine in the Afternoon." Also fabulous.